Twins BOOKS for WEB Site
Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us About Human Behavior by Nancy L Segal, Ph.D. Perhaps the best known and most prolifically published psychologist on the topic of twins in the United States who is a twin herself and extremely knowledgeable. Dr. Segal has been a strong advocate and promoter of an open and flexible policy on the placement of twin siblings in school. | |
The Psychology of Twinship by Ricardo Ainslie. Another treasure trove of research advocating the individualized approach of placement of twin siblings in school and of increasing the knowledge of twins and sibling differences, families, and backgrounds. | |||||
Not All Twins are Alike: Psychological Profiles of Twinship by Barbara Schave Klein. Summarily defines some of the behavior, personality, psychological, and cognitive differences among twins leading to the conclusion that each set is unique and to be considered on the merits of their own profiles and situations. Advocates a more flexible understanding and policy regarding placement and school or counseling considerations. | |
Twin and Triplet Psychology: A Professional Guide to Working with Multiples edited by Audrey C. Sandbank. Includes multiple chapters directly addressing the school placement issue, as well as, other school and counseling issues for teachers, administrators, counselors, etc. The chapters definitively advocate for a flexible policy and one that makes such placement decisions based on psychological and behavioral observations (data). The book includes forms developed by Dr. Preedy to help with such decisions. | ||||
Emotionally Healthy Twins: A New Philosophy for Parenting Two Unique Children by Joan A. Friedman, Ph.D. This book offers practical advice and strategies to help children (twin and multiple siblings) achieve emotional well-being and adjust to the demands that non-twins often impress upon them unknowingly. Advocates for a flexible and individualized approach to placement. | |
Twins and Supertwins: A Handbook for Early Childhood Professionals by Eve-Marie Arce, Ed.D. Soundly advocated for an open and flexible policy for placement and the issues affecting twin and multiple birth siblings. Great professional advice and promotion of a professional and soundly reasoned approaches. | |||||