4.1 Competition Survey. Use this survey to help discover how your children are balancing the issues of competition and comparisons. Mark the column that matches their response. Use a separate survey for each of your children. This survey is suitable for use with children of aged seven and older with adult guidance.
Child’s Name ____________________ | Never | Seldom | Sometimes | Often |
I feel my friends expect me to compete with my same-age siblings. | ||||
2. I have to explain to my teachers that I’m different from my siblings. | ||||
3. Adults think I like competing with my sibling(s). | ||||
4. I choose to participate in activities different from my sibling(s) because I don’t want to compete with them. | ||||
5. I feel many people don’t get to know me as an individual because I’m a twin/multiple. | ||||
6. Competition is one negative part of being a twin. | ||||
7. My same-age sibling(s) actually bothers me more often than helps me when I’m doing my school work. | ||||
8. There’s too much competition in my family. | ||||
9. I would rather cooperate with my sibling(s) than compete against them. | ||||
10. If I compete in a game or contest and do not win I usually hope my sibling will not win either. | ||||
11. I think my teacher compares my work with the work my sibling does. | ||||
Totals for each column: | ||||
Total of Never & Seldom Columns: | Total of Sometimes &Often Columns: | |||
Subtract the Never & Seldom Column total from the Sometimes & Often Columns: | This is your score. |
Scoring: Add the number of Often or Sometimes responses to the statements. Subtract the number of statements that were marked either Never or Seldom. If the resulting difference is 6 or higher, it’s a strong indicator that this individual is struggling with issues of comparison and competition with their same-age siblings. A final score of 5 or lower indicates that the individual is dealing effectively with competition issues. A negative score, likewise, would indicate that competition and comparison issues are not adversely affecting this individual. This is intended as a guide along with other information to accurately assess the way a person is dealing with these issues. No single survey or score should be taken alone as an indicator of a person’s level of comfort or discomfort with the issue of competition.